Unschooled Guy Becomes Self-Taught IT Entrepreneur — Himanshu Aum
This is an introductory post to the journey of my life till now.
Let’s start here…
It was a rainy night of monsoon in the month of July, when my Naturopath parents were blessed with a Son, yeah ME.
I attended the school till Class 2nd, just like any other child of my age. But, my Parents were not satisfied with the formal education, which I, along with my two elder sisters, was getting in the school.
My parents always have been out-of-the-box thinkers. They wanted us to learn things, gain practical knowledge and pursue our respective passions as our Career. They have been a Guru, a Mentor, a Friend and Good Parents, of course.
At the mere age of 7, I started to involve myself and learn the practical know-hows of my parents’ business, along with my home-studies.
How I came into IT?
While learning about the basics of business, I developed interest in the field of Information Technology (IT) and launched my First Website at the age of 11, way back in 2006 and that too without any formal education of IT.
Okay wait, but what’s so special about it. Well today, kids of that age are developing Complex Software; but way back then, it was really NOT so easy thing, phew!
Later things never took a U-turn for me and I kept on exploring the field of IT & Software Development as my passion. In this drastically changing world of technology, I always had the strong urge to upgrade myself and thus have been experimenting with the latest tech-tools, since then.
In the year 2015, my parents helped me in establishing my Own IT Business. My journey has been a story of an Unschooled Guy becoming a SELF-TAUGHT IT Entrepreneur. Now I am a Director of AumsWow Wellness Pvt. Ltd.
What am I doing now…
As of 2020, I am keenly working on the Progressive Web Applications (PWA). But what’s PWA? They:
- Work on the Desktop Browsers just like a Website.
- Are Cross-Platform Mobile Applications (Mobile-App).
- Can be installed on Android and iOS devices as well.
I am developing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Applications for the people engaged in Medium, Small and Micro Scale businesses to help them grow their enterprise and beat the competition of Online Giants.
I am working towards the development of Applications in the field of Health, Social-Behavioral and Business Management.
To know more about the Applications, click here.
Alongside IT, I write & share my thoughts start from light-heart mood to philosophical depths. Read here.
Originally published at https://himanshuaum.com.